Entry 31: Fall Festival

Over a couple of days I helped create a cut out photo booth for my baby nephew’s preschool! I think he enjoyed it. :D

ENTRY 28: 365 Days of Henry

Just a little something I’m doing for fun since I struggle drawing kiddos. I’m drawing a doodle of my nephew everyday for a year!

Entry 24: WIP Bob's Burgers Commission

Love how this Bob’s Burgers commission came out. It’s a piece based on my good friend Dana. :D Copic Markers and pens. Can we talk about how slick my inking is? Props to me and my steady hand.

Entry 22: Maui, House Smash, and Phoenix Fan Fusion

The last couple of weeks have been wild. For the last half of May, I went with my family to Maui and had such a fantabulous time. Just about every day I woke up at 6am to go for a walk down by the beach on my own and take a dip in the Jacuzzi before everything went wild and the rest of the tourists at the resort woke up. For this trip I had bought myself the Special Edition Barbie swimsuits from the swinging 1960’s. I really was not ready to go home. Have a picture of my niece and I standing in front of this one large tree that actually took up a mile from underneath. And then of course a selfie at the hot tub just kicking back.

As soon as we got back from the much needed relaxation, my papa decided it was time to start breaking down the wall to the kitchen to open it up to the living room to make the room overall seem bigger. The kids certainly enjoyed themselves obliterating the wall. We are also hoping to tear down our wall to the backyard and make it nothing but windows and a sliding door. Again, making the room seem bigger and letting the natural light flood in. The smashing of the wall was so cathartic and I think the kids felt the same. Here’s Henry having a go at it. All shirt No PANTS is what we should start calling him.

Lastly, I spent the weekend at Phoenix Fan Fusion with friends Kira, Rachel and of course my baby Jim. Hannah at the time was in Tennessee visiting an old friend of hers. But, she didn’t end up missing out. She also attended a convention there and of course had the chance of the life time to visit Dolly World. I am kind of jealous.

While at the con I had 3 panels of my own. It was a quick draw with other artists and the audience was nothing but ADORABLE. All kiddos that participated. They had the best requests.

And of course at the end of the day, James had to have his Cup Bop!

Overall I had a great couple of weeks.

Entry 21: The Invisible Man

My niece came over and we both snuggled up while watching classic Horror films from Hammer to Universal. I need to show her Giallo next when she comes over for another snuggly day. Her favourite, or so it seems, was “The Invisible Man”. When they finally showed you what he looked like at the end my niece whispered to me, “Worth it.” She is an absolute crack up. She did enjoy the original “Phantom of the Opera”, but by the time we got to the end she was fast asleep. When they did his face reveal she genuinely was shook. The makeup still holds up today. There’s an actor that I have gotten her into as of recent and that is Conrad Veidt. We have been binging all his works when we have the time. I think her favourite of his so far is “The Man who Laughs”. Veidt was such a beautiful man and really took care in the characters he portrayed.

Entry 20: Little Topo Strikes AGAIN!

My mum requested a doodle of baby Henry AKA Topo on her white board in her office. Henry laughs every time he sees it. It’s really cute. <3 I gave little Henry the nickname Topo after the Italian children’s show character from the 60’s called Topo Gigio. He would occasionally make an appearance on the Ed Sullivan show too. If you don’t know what I am talking about, there are many clips of him on Youtube!

Entry 19: Little Topo and the Magic Pen

My 2 yo nephew has discovered the magic of my Wacom. :D He is taking advantage of this new find as you can see below. He loudly announces the colour and I provide. He also let’s me take a chance at doodling every now and again but he usually tells me what to draw.

Entry 17: Renfield

I had the chance to catch the film, Renfield at the theatre with my niece and grandma. I have to say, it was a blast. It was a good watch and a good time. The only thing that disappointed me was all the CGI. I love when gore is done the old way. Ya know? Something my friend Cig (Neutron) would create. It feels more visceral and real when done with corn syrup and the genius of the artists who have to figure out how to make these things look real through loads of latex and blood pumps.

But beyond the horrible CGI, I loved the slow progression and makeup used on Nicholas Cage. It was grimy, sticky, and gross which is everything I look for in a horror film. You could tell all through out the creation of the film that Cage enjoyed himself and he paired well with Nicholas Hoult.

Please give this movie a chance and see it on the big screen. You will laugh all the way through.

Entry 12: Arizona Broadway, Mame!

Went and saw the Broadway play, “Mame”, and damn did I relate to the main character. Eccentric Auntie who loves her nephew with all her heart and who will give up everything for a better future for him. I love my niece and nephews and it made me want to cry when Hannah whispered to me during the show, “This is you Auntie.” <3