I thought I’d create a blog here to just get out my thoughts. What kind of thoughts? Who knows… Our days move and change so fast, it could be a welcome or sometimes unwelcome surprise.
I hope this area can be a place of relief. A place of calm where I can talk myself through whatever subject be it deep or not. Don’t worry, I won’t get existential on you all.
As of late I’ve been thinking, “Hey eejit, why don’t you do your own thing? You’ve got the looks, your pretty face… And don’t forget the importance of BoDy LaNguAGE-HA!” But really, why don’t I? I have all the free time to spend on a project of my very own so why not “JUST DO IT!”
So I present to you an idea I’m going to wholly put my time into and that is… Dun DUN Dunnnn… Make a YouTube channel! I know, it’s not much of a groundbreaking revelation. It was bound to happen. But with this channel I’ll properly review films that you may not hear much about due to it being foreign or straight up old-and when I say old I MEAN OLD. I’ll make it fun too… Too many documentaries or even other YouTubers seem to take a very dower stance when discussing these particular subjects. No-Not here, we are not having that! It will be full of laughs and why not a bit of animation?